what is the best way to begin networking for an accountant

Professional networking is vital to the growth of whatever career, and accounting is no exception. Nonetheless, many accountants and bookkeepers inwardly groan at the thought of attending networking events, associating them with awkward conversations, gathering stacks of business concern cards, and the idea of "selling" yourself.

Notwithstanding, when done right, networking is more nigh building relationships. The long-term goal might be business development, merely networking can also help y'all find a mentor, discover new professional person opportunities, and learn more about the accounting profession or your clients' industries, or best practices in technology and processes.


  • How to Network the Right Way
  • Expand Your Networking Horizons
  • Exist a Resource
  • Network Online
  • ane. Know Which Social Media Platforms to Use
  • ii. Really Engage With Others
  • three. Testify Your Personality
  • Exist Authentic
  • Follow Upward
  • 5 Piece of cake Networking Hacks You Tin Put Into Action Today
  • ane. Update Your Social Media Profiles
  • 2. Reach Out to an Old Connexion
  • 3. Bring together a Peer Network
  • iv. Cake 15 Minutes to Engage on Social Media
  • 5. Inquire for a Referral

How to Network the Correct Way

Whatever your ultimate goal when you engage in networking, these tips tin help you lot make the most of the time and coin you spend.

Aggrandize Your Networking Horizons

Networking with other business professionals—such as fiscal advisors, attorneys, bankers, and entrepreneurs—can be an excellent source of business organisation referrals. They often know other business owners or loftier net-worth individuals who need accounting, accounting, and tax communication.

Don't fail your peer groups, either. Some accountants avoid networking with other accountants and bookkeepers because they recollect of other professionals as "the contest." Simply other accountants tin be an fantabulous source of referrals and data on trends, best practices, and new standards or tax legislation.

"Network with like-minded accounting professionals to refer business between yourselves and complement the services you don't provide," says Kellie Parks, CPB and cloud bookkeeping addict at Calmwaters Cloud Bookkeeping.

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Be a Resource

To abound relationships within your network, seek to be a resource for others. Don't attain out only when you want something or demand aid.

Co-ordinate to Sal Rezai, CPB and expert cloud bookkeeper at Accounting past Sal, 1 of the biggest networking mistakes people make is neglecting to really appoint with others at networking events because they're preoccupied with cocky-promotion. "At the early stage of my business," says Sal, "when I was attending networking events, I was just there without really interacting with other attendees and not showing interest in listening to others. I was likewise focused on selling my services."

Instead of focusing on yourself, get into each networking opportunity with the goal of giving as much as you take.

When y'all meet someone new, send them a helpful article or introduce them to someone who can solve their problem. If you meet someone trying to fill an open position, introduce them to a great recruiter you've used in the past or a colleague who's looking for a new professional opportunity. These sorts of introductions lay the groundwork for building relationships and eventually atomic number 82 to greater opportunities.

Network Online

Traditionally, accounting professionals have relied on in-person events for business development. But if you do information technology right, online networking tin can exist merely as effective.

Hither are 3 key online networking tips:

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Nobody has time to master every social media platform, and different social platforms are improve at different things. For example, Facebook is good for building customs. Instagram is great for building brand sensation with visual content. Twitter is good for quick interactions, and LinkedIn is bang-up for detailed thought leadership. Choose one or 2 platforms that are all-time suited to your company, target clients, and goals.

2. Really Engage With Others

Don't only schedule a few posts and "similar" other people's posts. Constructive social networking requires real engagement. Create and share valuable content, respond to comments and mentions, and comment on and share other people's posts. Schedule time each day for appointment simply as you would for other important tasks.

3. Show Your Personality

You desire to present a professional image on social media, only don't forget to allow your authentic self shine through equally well. People tend to trust other individuals more businesses, and so be man. Post selfies, share your hobbies, and inject some sense of humor into your social media content.

Be Authentic

Authenticity is so important to networking that it bears repeating: Exist yourself!

Information technology'south been estimated that anywhere from 59% to 75% of accountants are introverts. Such stereotypes might be overblown, but even accountants who lean toward introversion can excel at networking. The fundamental is to be your authentic self.

Don't try to fake an extroverted personality or play a role you think other people will find engaging. Instead, lean into your strengths. For example, people tend to remember those who mind and inquire questions equally nifty conversationalists, and introverts tend to be good listeners, then use that skill to your advantage.

As well, remember that large networking events and conferences aren't the only way to network. Expect for opportunities to network in small group situations or invite others for a 1-on-one lunch or coffee.

"Don't exist afraid to connect with your network multiple times. Just because they didn't send a referral to y'all last month doesn't mean they don't have one for you this month." –Shea Keats, Breakaway Bookkeeping

Follow Up

As Jim Rohn, professional entrepreneur, writer, and motivational speaker, famously said: "The fortune is in the follow-up."

Meeting someone at a networking event only to never talk to them over again is a wasted opportunity. Instead, connect with them on LinkedIn by sending a personalized note. Send a brusk email to say you enjoyed talking to them, or share a resource or recommendation related to your chat.

Take fourth dimension to occasionally achieve out to connections again to invite them to tiffin or some other social event. This volition help you lot develop a rapport and plough one-off meetings into solid connections (and potential customer referrals).

"Don't fear network marketing!" says Shea Keats, founder/advisor at Breakaway Bookkeeping & Advising. "The best and fastest mode to get new clients is to reach out to people who already know and like you." This includes people in both your personal and professional networks, one-time and electric current clients, and referral partners.

And, she says, "Don't be agape to connect with your network multiple times. Merely considering they didn't send a referral to you final month doesn't mean they don't take one for you lot this calendar month. By following up consistently, y'all'll stay top of mind. And no—it's not annoying!"

v Easy Networking Hacks You lot Can Put Into Action Today

Are you ready to get started? You lot don't have to wait for the next big accounting briefing or networking happy hour to starting time growing your network. Consider trying one or more of these hacks today.

If you haven't updated your social media profiles in years, now is the fourth dimension. Ensure every account has a headshot, current company and contact data, and a link to your website.

Hootsuite has some great tips for improving your social media profiles in one hour or less.

2. Achieve Out to an Old Connection

Accommodate a virtual or in-person coffee, or but ask how they are and what they're upwardly to. Share something y'all've come up across that reminded you of them. Invite someone to an upcoming event, or organize a small get-together where everyone can practice some networking.

This LinkedIn article has skillful advice for getting dorsum in touch with old contacts without coming across every bit spammy.

3. Join a Peer Network

Your college alumni association, local accounting association, or bedchamber of commerce are cracking places to start. Try AICPA's list of land CPA societies or CPB Canada's regional meetings page.

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Comment on and share other people's posts, write a few insightful comments in groups, share helpful Q&As (that besides highlight your expertise), and respond to any comments or messages you receive.

Past blocking off 15 minutes every day to "exercise" social media you'll get into a groove, and starting time to larn the types of posts that resonate with your audition and piece of work best for you.

5. Ask for a Referral

Send a short e-mail to 5 clients, acquaintances, friends, or family members to permit them know you're trying to build your business and request for a referral. How practise you ask for referrals? Consider timing, personalization, specificity, and rewards. Read more than advice on getting referrals, including a sample email.

Remember, growing a thriving professional person network is a marathon, non a sprint. Carve out some time every day, week, and month to network in-person and online.

Nurture those connections, and don't be afraid to ask for what you desire. Eventually, pocket-size merely consistent efforts will lead to new opportunities and business growth!


Source: https://www.freshbooks.com/blog/accountant-networking

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